Budapest, Lajos u. 115. Hungary 1036 Telefon/fax: 36-1/250-6064, 36-27-380-665

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Nyomtatóbarát változat A szennyezett ivóvízzel betegítéshez, életrövidítéshez is találtak megfelelõ orvosokat.

Az angol és magyar nyelvû Bibliákból eltüntetik azt, hogy sózni kell az izzadó, igavonó állatok takarmányát. Ezután majd már csak a vallásos zsidók tudhatják azt, hogy sózni kell az ételeket, ugyanis a héber nyelvû Bibliában benne hagyták a konyhasóval való élelmiszer sózás ajánlását (Ézsaiás 30:24).


Az Uzsora Civilizáció c. könyvben is az áll, hogy az ún. "Rockefeller-csoport" több milliárd ember titkos módon kipusztítását pénzeli. A kipusztítottak vagyona pedig majd az övék lesz!?

A méréseink rávilágítottak, hogy a titkos, ámde igen primitív népirtási módszer azon alapul, hogy a tiszta víz hiánya és hozzá a konyhasó hiánya mindenféle betegségeket idéz elõ. Ezt már a Talmud (zsidó törvénykönyv) is tartalmazza. Továbbá azon, hogy konyhasó helyett kálisót adnak az embereknek sózásra. A kálisónak hasonlít az íze a konyhasó ízéhez. Azonban a konyhasó 18 grammos napi dózisa sem veszélyes, sõt esetenként gyógyító hatású is (ennyit adnak be a Ringer infúzióval naponta!), addig a hasonló ízintenzitás eléréséhez használt ilyen vagy nagyobb mennyiségû kálisó életveszélyes (A Ringer ivhúzióban a 18 gramm konyhasó mellett csak 0,6 gramm kálisó megengedett, kb. ez a tengervízben és a vérben is a konyhasó és kálium(sÓ9 élettani optmumnot képezõ aránya.)

Jelenleg az embereknek napi 18 grammig is megengedik a kálisóevést, de csak 1 gramm érések szerint teljesen tönkreteszik a szervezetüket a sejtjeik szintjén is, mivel a sejtek membránját, amelyben nátrium és kálium végzi a vezérlést (az ûn. "nátrium-kálium pumpa) folyamatosan rongálják, elrontják. Emiatt lett mostanában a korábbinál sokkal több ember impotens, meddõ, ferde hajlamú, hiszen a kálium túladagolása miatt eltorzult nemi szervekkel születnek az utódok, egyre inkább ivartalanodnak a következõ generációk tagjai. Valószínû, hogy a kergemarhakór a legelõk kálisóval mûtrágyáztatására vezethetõ vissza. A kálium túladagolása elõsegíti a fertõzések terjedését, mert fellazítja a sejtek falát, s azok emiatt védtelenekké lesznek a kórokozókkal szemben.

1./ Valójában egy egészséges felnõttnek a naponkénti kálium evési szükséglete CSAK 0,4 - 0,8 gramm/nap (ennyi a naponkénti káliumvesztés) Több káliumot tartalmazó ételek és italok hatására, ha az egy étkezés alatt bevitt káliummennyiség több, mint 0,4 - 0,8 gramm/óra, vagy ha a 24 óra során összesen bejuttatott kálium mennyisége meghaladja a 2,2 gramm/nap dózist, a szív mûködés romolhat. EKG mérések szerint, a több, mint 3,5 gramm/nap káliumfogyasztás következtében többnyire már torzulások látszanak az EKG-n. Az ételekkel túladagolt kálium a szívinfarktushoz hasonló "eredményre" vezethet. "Mesterséges szívinfarktus" idézhetõ elõ az ételek és italok káliumtartalma infúzióval növelésé Kálium túladagolással gyilkolni lehet. Egy kivégzési mód, Amerikában kálium túladagolással állítják meg a halálraítéltek szívét is. Véletlenszerúnek tünõ halál okozható, ha a kálium napi ajnlott dózisa 3,5 gramm.nap vagy tübb. Ez az átlag ugyanis a 3,5 gramm véletlenszerû túllépéseibõl is származik. Drábik János Uzsora Civilizáció c. könyve szerint az Új Világrend mesterséges szívinfarktus létrehozását valósítja meg. Ehhez képest kell megítélni Margaret Teacher volt angol miniszterelnököt és a BBC-t ebben az ügyben kapott bizonyítékokra, amelyek szerint fokozzák Nagy Bittaniaban a kálium RDA-t (RDA =napi ajánlott átlagos dózis) 3,5 gramm/nap-ra. Németországban és az USA-ban is botrány van a konyhasóval sózás helyett bevezetett kálisóval ételízesítés ellen, a SCIENCE is elítéli a, szív- és keringési betegség gyakoriság megtöbbszörözõ, életrövidítõ orvosi csalást.

A népirtási módeszer egyik motívuma, hogy a 24 óra alatt mérgezni kezdõ dózis sokkal rovidebb idõ alatt etetik meg: INFÛZIÓNÁL ÉLETVESZÉLYES KÁLIUMMÉRGEZÉSHEZ VEZETHET 24 ÓRA ALATT 11 GRAMM KÁLIUM FOLYAMATOSAN BEVITELE, FE EGY ÓRÁN BELÜL 1-2 GRAMM KÁLIUM BEVITELE IS..


A kálium túladagolással véletlenül vagy készakarva gyilkoló orvosok és ápolók részére nagyszerû védekezés a bünetés ellen, jelent, hogy e tanköny alapján a labor adatok szerint a majdnem 7 mmol/liter-es halálos káliumtúladagolás is még "nem hyperkalaemia okozó"?!.


Tájékoztató levél Mr. George Bush amerikai elnök részére (1992. július 12.):

H-1036 Budapest III., Lajos u. 115.

Mr. President George Bush UN-1/92-1.
United States of America
Washington, White Hall

Dear Mr. President!

Please stop Kalium-Poison described jointed papers!

Jointed papers:
1./ The Potassium Problem (described Dr. Gyula Biczók head
Geology and Landsape Protection, September 6th, 1991.
Budapest, No. FTF-538/91. - OTvH-1030/91.) and its
relation paper, „Speciális szakmai magyarázatok ad.- FTF-
2./ UN-1/92-3. signed paper, to US Ambasador, Hungary.
3./ ATT-120792/92-001. signed paper, to Hungarian UN
4./ Our scientific information paper (Magyar Nemzet, 1992.
július 9., „Vigyázzunk a káliumos „gyógysóval”).

12. July 12th, 1992. Hungary

P.s.: Have you recieved the
earlier papers?
Sincerely of Yours:

András Tejfalussy (Sydo)
Services des postes


Department for Geology and Landscape Protection
H-1121 Budapest, Költõ u. 21. Phone: (361)1562-133 Fax: (361) 1757-457 Telex: (61)226-115


The Potassium Problem
(Supervision of expertises and recommendations of Agroanalysis Scientific Society)

1.) The National Authority for Nature Conservation completes the earlier opinion of MERP ( i.e. Ministry for Environment and Regional Policy ) related tu suggestion for solution of so-called „Potassium Problem” introduced by Centre for Environment Protection and Economic Efficiency of Agroanalysis Scientific Society (nungarian abbr.:ATT) and its president, Mr. András Tejfalussy. ( The earlier opinion of MERP was written according to the instruction of Dr. Zoltán Illés, deputy secretary of state about the study „Economic Environment Protection by Mr. A. Tejfalussy ( and ATT ), 27th Sept. 1990. The supervisory completion becomes to be necessary considering the difficulty and increasing importance of the solution of the potassium problem.

2.) The plants have a potassium demand, but it has benefical effect is if available for the root system in fixed form and its required quantity is only solved by the root excretion. The potassium - as several other chemicals - is poisonous in reactive, easy-available form and quantity in soil. In the course of the bioevolution the regulation of the potassium uptake developped under the condition of the sparingly available potassium form, therefore the plant are perfectly unprotected against the harmful effects of thet easy-available potassium forms in fertilizers.

3.) In the countries, where the agriculture has no deficit, the potassium fertilization is almost absent (e.g. in China, Egyp, etc) or it is used in the case of the droppingirrigation - since so damageous effects as its inhibitory influence on water, nitrogen or other nutrient acquisition can be neglected according to artifical
regulation proved by automatic equippment instead of plant metabolism. (However it can be occured that the deficit of plant kultivation does not mean trouble - as e.g. in Izrael, where the independent food production means a strategic question of great importance.)

4.) The fact published by the AGROANALYSIS Scientific Society is also verified by non-Hungarian press, that the potassium fertilizers are incorrectly interpreted by all the text books as yield increasing nutrient, since just the potassium fertilizers can be very damageous and harmful for both the food crops and the animals or the men consumed the food crops in question.

5.) It is really necessary to draw the attention of all the responsible organizations and authorities to that the potassium has not produced only the plant cultivation of deficit, but it is dangerous, noxious to thet
human health
Everybody has to know the following informations about the potassium: - having unsualy composed food, the daily potassium input of the human organism must be in the range of 50-150 mval, wich quantity can be processed by healthy kidney, opposing that this function is less facilitated than in the case of sodium; - an K-input of 20-40 mval/hour or 280 mval/day can injure the living cells, and this injury harmfully contributes the poissoning process of potassium excess because the injured cell-structures
release newer potassium ions into the intercellular liquid;
- the importance of the last statement is supported by the following facts:

(a) the 98 % of the potassium quantity is usualy in the living cells within the human body and the potassium solved in the intercellular liquid (which can frequently be more critical in the respect of potassium toixicity) is only 2 % in a healthy organism;
(b) the normal potassium contcentration range is 4-4,5 mval/l in the intercellular liquid, the lower values or the higher ones are injurious for the living cells, evenmore 7-10 mval/l in he intercellular liquid within the heart leads to fibrillation of the wall of heart-chamber or to stop of the heart in diastole phase.

(c) the general weakness of muscles, the mistakes of motion coordination and the troubles of sense occur, if the potassium poissoning is milder than in the (b) situation;

(The sodium never produces similar pharmacological symptomes! However, the potassium-sodium pump funtioning in any living systems principally increases this type of the sensibility created by the bioevolution process of million years!) - the potassium concentration of intracellular liquid can also excess the critical, dangerous level when the potassium content of the food is normal, e.g. due to the consumption of the normal daily potassium quantity according to a higher rate than the critical 20-40 mval/hour.

The potassium fertilizing can multiplz (e.g.double-fold or more) the potassium content of the food crops, consequently i can also be noxious in this way.

6.) The horses become easily tired and depressed if they graze the grass in sping, wich has an higher potassium content in the intensive phase of its growth according to the spinger warming up. There are information about the tetany of the cattles wich consume the green wheat of high potassium content (so called wheat poisoning).

7.) The nutrition of potassium excess causes the udder cancer of the mouse.

8.) It is sad fact, reported by Hungarian Institute for Ornithology, that last year numerous birds (Bombycilla garrulus) parished due to some granulates of potassium fertilizer in the City Park of Budapest. The odd phenomena feelling experiments proved the later, the individuals belong to the species Goturnix japonica parished after having 3 g of potassium chloride.

9.) Because of the potassium release process in the dead cells of the organism prevent the indication of the potassium poissoning in the case of dead man or animal according to the 5.) item, since in the lack of potassium poissoning the potassium concentration of the intracellular liquid must also be increased in any dead organism than in living one.

10.) The controll of potassium-using has bean prevented in any case excepting the measurement of the exchangeable potassium quantity is in the soil. The potentially poissoning, exchangeable potassium is measured under the abnormal calibration and the reverse interpretation wich uses inadequate upper limit values according to the principle of „the more, the better”.

11.) A small excess of the potassium consumption can harmfully increase the potassium level in the intercellular liquid of animal and human organism concludely not only the plants unprotected. The poissoning potassium in groundwater and canal reached so high concentration, that the fruit trees already died e.g. in 1967, too (attested by exact results).

12.) Principaly, the absence of adaquate calibration of interaction results and test processes or the lack of the filtration of the random disturbances in the biotests lead to the ambiguous aducation program - teaching the conference materials of the international potash syndicates - wich serves the interest of these syndicates at the
universities and the high scools. No other measuring system - but Antirandom Interference Monitors (AIM) of AGROANALYSIS SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY -is able to indicate the previous mistakes in the publishing and teaching activity of the education and research, so far.

It is regrettable fact, that without any regard to the scientific publication by prof. I. Lang (1962-1963) the enormous quantities of the potassium salts -like so called fertilizers were imported and applied year by year. That practicallz means concealing the natural availability in most of our soils. All of these caused the following „misterieous results” :

- our biotopes have been extremly poisoned by remarkable excess of the potash and the fertilizer losses induced by it;

- due to the unbalanced plant mineral nutrition the primary agricultural poducts (e.g. grains) are too expensive and unhealthy as well as the secondary ones (e.g. meat);

- nowdays it is obvious for the people, the degradation of the natural and human environment, the decreasing biodiversity, the bad water quality often indicates irreversibile, harmful effects and these are the highest price for these mistakes, indeed.

September 6th, 1991. Budapest.

Dr. Gyula Biczók
head of department

Mrs. Nancy Goodman Brinken

nagykövet úrhölgy kezéhez!


Aktajel: terror2.usa

Budapest, 2003.I. 03.

USA Budapesti Nagykövetsége


1., G. Bush elnök úrhoz írt tájékoztatás (terror.USA)(2p.)

2. A Medical Weekly Rewiewnek írt tájékoztatás (6p.)

Kedves USA Nagykövet!

Szeretném, ha megtérítené az USA a 150 000 000 amerikai állampolgár életét is mentõ munkánknak a honoráriumát, az Önhöz 2002. március 07-én faxon megküldött (KCl steri.liz ) eredményösszefoglalóm, és a G.Bush Elnök úrnak írt, részére az Ön útján és Postán is megküldött (mellékelt) 2001.09.25-i (terror.USA) eredményösszefoglalásom alapján, melyek a honlapunkon is hozzáférhetõvé lettek téve.



Tejfalussy András

feltaláló, kutatómérnök

As a denounce contra APARTHEID, sending also to the International Court, to the Court of the Capital: Budapest, and to the Main State-Attorney at Law of the Hungarian Republic as well.




1999EL.XIV.1.21/9./PMB AND 4406579922/2000./APEH The report of the remainder of tax is completly fals!

Attached files:

1.,) A memorial signed at the Hungarian Scientific Academy on 1st of April of 1998. The State-Measurements' data are document, and prove : that 0,8-1,7 gramms, or sometimes even less potassium is poisoning the kidney and the blood, and has a poisoning-effect of the mucous membrane. The signal of the file is: eml.mta.2 pages copy

2.) A memorial signed at the National Judicial Medical Institute, on 07 of. September in 1998. The memory documented by the memory(1), based on the measureing of the clinical poisoning , it confirms that the called quantity of potassium endangers the health of the people through the whole country. The signal of the file is Eml.IOI. one page copy.

3.) "There is too much potassium" (Deforms the human cells). Declaration of the New Word of Bratislava (Pozsonyi Új Szó). Jan Královich and Szénási published the data of the Slovak Scientific Academy's Experimental Plant-pathology- and Insect- Institute, with concrete explanning about the micro- and macro-effects of the overdosis of the potasium, which is the cause of the cell-deformity and the infertility, sterility. (17. issue, 16 of September 1988.) One page copy

4.) Tejfalussy András, a retorsion because of the exposure, reveal of the APARTHEID. "My dear Friend" ("Kedves Barátom") Sunday of the Hungarians (Magyarok Vasárnapja). 1st of April 2000.


1., Undersigned Tibor VERESS dipl. ing agriculture, journalist, editor of radio and tv-programmes (1088 Budapest, Gutenberg tér 4.), against the juridical persons and their employees, who are insisting to use an enforcement as well, in the affair, and case of the damage, harm, and injury to me and my family, and my associates, based on the civil and constitutional rights to launche an impeachement-apropose, and constitutional rights to inclusion, comprisal: I propose an impeachement, and we declaire and bring an action against using enforcement as the follows:

2., We declaire by the way: the measuring expert, András TEJFALUSSY the leader of the Agrianalisis Scientific Society's Center of Controlling Economy and Environment, in the deciding in this actual procedure, as he is interested in using the results of his measurements, therefore beside of Tibor VERESS, as an impeachement-apropose associate , and as an intervening person stands for against the authority which covers the apartheid.

3., This present impeachement-apropose, and action against using enforcement is declaired first: against the Hungarian State, secondly against the health- and retiring-insurrance institutes, thirdly against their collect-men, against the APEH (Tax and Finance Controll Institute), fourthly against the leaders of these institutes (who are organizing effectively these damages). Their aiding employees, because of their messed up office work, unreadable signatures, from outside - in the most of the cases - cant be identificated, and even for this must be call the leaders to account, by the law.

4., We are asking the persones who are committed the crime, let them call to account responsible in the case of organizing, doing apartheid, and aiding them, and also we ask, the whole damage they caused to me and us, must be payed on behalf of the Hungarian State, based on its whole responsibility, on the same level as in the USA, where they account for a person, for his damaged health, in the USA there was adjudge 8.8 million USD as compensation, at thw Court of Washington.. I ask, this sume must be the base, when they calculate, because it is forbidden to make difference beetween the health of the american, and hungarian people. First we ask the sentence of those who were commited the crime APARTHEID. Only after it the Court measure the damage caused by potassium-salt (KCl), and comprisal it into the debt we ocasionly have to the State, and the APEH (Tax and Finance Controll Institute), whiches get the insurrance-amounts for just an opposite-aim. Also we ask, the present request must be registered as a comprise proposal against the enforthing of the APEH (Tax and Finance Controll Institute), because for crime, nor the APEH has right to collect insurrance-amounts so called "as a tax".

5., The base of our impeachement against the National Health Cash-desk, the Hungarian State and their recovery office (APEH-Tax and Finance Controll Institute) is that the health and retiring-insurrance-money was and is payed for to make wronger the Hungarians' health, and we have to break this APARTHEID. This is an obligatory averting of damage, without an empowering administration, where we have the base of our finance demand : Civil Code (PTK): 484-487 §, as an empowered demand. By the way, together with the Agrianalisis Scientific Society, the averted damage is equal with the state income-surplus, our demand is 1 % of this amount, what we declaire by this way, as legal reservation.

6., The results of the attached files: (1., - Scientific Academy), the (2., - National Judicial Medical Institute), document, and verify the fact, that we, Hungarians were overdosised with potassium, which makes wronger the kidney-function, and so, it makes wronger the metabolism of every human cell. Using foreign experiment's results we know: also deform the descendant cells, and those organizm which are form an organ and/or organism, living structure. And not only ours, but also our descendents sons' bodies as well (3), and this is an APARTHEID, because only we suffer such damage. Those persons, who eat kosher (bio)foods, ab ovo can't be poisonned (by the potassium mixed into the artificial fertilizer, and the potassium mixed into the nonkosher salts and foods). Only those habitants, were and are poisonned, who can't get nonpoisonned plants, and nonpoisonned foods and drinks. It is justice to ask health-insurrance, and retiring-insurrance-money, who eat and drink the kosher salted foods and drinks. The minister-answering-writers (number: 8253) of the Parliament, and those, who were voted on it on 8th of December in 1992, and also the authors of the fals expert-opinion (number : 10-175/ETT/IB/1993), those who also were used it, (attorneys, policemen, judges, etc.) all these state-employeed we denounce, because of falsification of official document, misus its authority, APARTHEID, deception, complicity, etc.,

7.,We attache our documents (1)(2)(3)(4) for the measuring-verification of the APARTHEID caused by potassium-overdosis, we also report the attorney because they they refused the fact finding, what is a complicity. Even the Attorney at law is obligated to stand up against the APARTHEID by the law: Ist. 1973., because it is improved in the attached documents.

Yours sincerelly: VERESS, Tibor

8., Agreeing, as an impeachement-apropose associate, and as an intervening, on behalf of myself, my society, our sub-enterprenehurs, and representing our clients' interests as well, and against all kinds of the claims of the APEH/TB (Tax and Finance Controll Institute / National Health-Insurrance Institute) we declaire an impeachement-apropose, also because the APEH and Finance Controll Institute aids and abbetts against us, at the OTP (National Savings Bank), which is deceives a tax-account. This state-retorsion is improved at the APEH, by tax-accounts.

Yours sincerelly: TEJFALUSSY András Budapest,

2000-07-04. Copy/ President of the APEH and

Open letter/INTERNET


Environmental and Efficiency Controlling  Centre of the 

 Agroanalizing Scientific Society;

H-1038 Budapest, Lajos u. 115., Tel/fax: 1-3682-532.

Authorizing Number 01-04-231575/03.

(Founded: 1981. as Agroanalízis Tudományos Polgári Jogi Társaság)

Open letter:  

Topic:To the addresse of the Medical Weekly Rewiew (Orvosi Hetilap)s  Editor (Springer Hungarica, editor  in chief: dr. János Fehér) about  causing public danger by doctors.  

It is answer  - based on the I-1077/90. KTM.  contract  with the Minstry of the Environment and Rural Developping, and also based on the clarified datas, clarifying by our Antirandom Normacontroll document signed  on 22th of April of 1992., by the secretary of the Health and Social Committée of the Parliament - to the so called „expert opinion” without dates and signature, in the Medical Weekly Rewiews article: L-3440, based on the 484-487. paragraphs of the Civil Code.

As a Civil Guards supplementary service:  

The Editor Springer also has a similar  publishing material, which describes: it has tetanic   result, if they feed the animals with  forrage which contains more potassium, for example the spring grass. (See: Rossoff, I.S.: „Handbook of Veterinary Drugs”, Springer publishing Company New York 1977. page: 469.) The editor ignoring this  fact, so wants to make believe -mentioning animals- it is not poisoning to use different thousand percentage overdosis  potassium, nor for animals, nor for human beings, nor for Hungarians in mayority.  Only a  special determined  folk minority can avoid  the risk of this medical scientific alimentation experiments. That one, which eats a kosher salt without potasssium.  

The  Medical Weekly Rewiew turns a deaf ear to publish that memorial, which was signed  by experts at the Hungarian Scientific Academy. The mentioned memorial makes stronger  that medical observing, which declairs: the eating salt, which contains potassium and the pills ”Kálium-R” (Potassium-R) causes poisoning, and it is certified by documents  based  on measurement-controlling.  The Medical Weekly Rewiew doesnt want to make the doctor-colleagues  know  those measurements, documented officially by the Hungarian State (for example : 4111/ÉTI) which datas prove, using the potassium-chlorid (KCl) instead of  kitchen-salt (NaCl) is poisoning. The rewiew  refers to an individual  potassium-overdosis-experiment  by a person who had kidney which loosed the potassium more than the average,  and had a very hypo-potassium state, and  refers to the lions (sic!) feeding custom.  So the editor refuses to publish the Hungarian Scientific Academys memorial  and the results of the hungarian state controlled measurement. Perhaps they want to keep in the commerce both the potassium-contained salt, and the potassium-contained fertilizer, which poison the foods, and so they hurts the Hungarian Standard?   

The real influence of the chemical products sold to Hungary is hidden for the users, because the results of the measurements when they use different components, or facts at the same time, nor the Hungarian Scientific Akademy, nor the universities cant  really measure. Even the National Measurement Office has no methods nor necessary instruments to these type of measurements. Beside two, or three or more components the next component can be any kind of,  if they cant measure it! Even neutral materials, or poisoned materials can be sold. If so, together with these elements, the instruments which cant measure the poisoning dosis also can be sold, it is a heuge international environmental and  health-damage-”business”! 

The Environmental and Efficiency Controlling Centre of the Agroanalizing Scientific Society  resolved the multicomponents and/or multifacts measurement, which reached international  patents, licences also. All the numerous measurements in any case, and  inmediatelly showed, the plants are poisoned by potassium if they use it as an artificial fertilizer, because the roots cells  work defectively  if they reach more dissolved potassium from the artificial fertilizer,  than the soils natural dissolved  potassium. So the whole plant, its every cells will be poisoned  by this artificial fertilizer containing potassium. No question about that, it is only in the  potassium-sellers interest! 

The  potassium-salt is the poisoning waste of the mining of salt-kitchen; of the NaCl. The innatural increasing of the potassium in the ambiance of the living cells, is poisoning every living  organizm. First  the plants were ”pumped” with this poisoning  waste (artificial fertilizer), but now, even some population, people, are eated directly by this potassium (KCl) named as eating salt, instead of  kitchen-salt (NaCl)! 

The population of Hungary is poisoned since many years by the increasing of the potassium of the plants, and the kitchen-salt. This fact was covered during the controll measurements because of the insufficiency of the measurement. All the potassium-salt (KCl) was poisoning at the hungarian clinics in hundred percent of the cases. By the way they  wrote just the opposit about it, in the resuming reports. They wrote about curing effects, leave off speaking that the potassium-salts small dosis poisoned every healthy and sick patient.  As it was  revealed, exposured, at the Hungarian Scientific Academy, the Medical Weekly Rewiew,  owned by the Springer, doesnt want it to publish for the doctors anyway. The memorial  signed by experts at the Academy has no doubt that the hungarian doctors are misleaded  for decades about the potassium-dosing. 

Lets have a look the antecedents!

The agricultural engineers, the doctors were misleaded by the valuated datas based on   fals norms. Having the results meaning, of course they could have the expected fals conclusion. The laboratory measuring all was in vain, that the soil, the food, the drink had a poisoning dosis of potassium, if its level is lower than the fals standard. The fals standards were formed during long years, falsifying the down-, and up-limits of the datas of  the weight, of  the dimension, and numbers. First they made insecure (by publishing in different countries special magazins, fals datas of experiments, fals measuring and averages) the datas of the natural potassium-needs of the human being, and animals, and plants, which formerly were based on experiences of hundreds and thousands of years. After it instead of the former correct and adequat norms, were declaired the new ”more optimistic” standards, whats dimension were different. Those people showed and show themselves to be clever, who wants to share as a vulture the income of this  cheating, of this swindle (obtain cheeply the houses, other properties of those who eat the poisoning  salt-waste). For example:  to have 1 kilo corn, it is necessary to give potassium beetween 0,6-27,00 gramm, was published in any data, and  the so called  standard was calculated for 1 kilo corn, 16 gramm potassium as an average using these datas which were different even in dimensions as well. This quantity is exactly 27 times more than  0,6 gramm potassium what 1 kilo corn contains effectly.  There happenned a 2700 percent falsifying(!), because they want to document the potassium as a need as artificial fertilizer.  If  they measure the concentration of the  potassium in the soil, it has no meaning as a standard. Later they measured only the soil, and calculated the potassium artificial fertilizer,  based on this fals norm. Otherwise nobody would have think about to give potassium for the soil, because Hungarys soiles during millions of years could maintain the potassium-concentration.  In 3-4 meters deep where the plants grow their roots, on 1 hectar area (cca.:2 acres) the soil has 1-2 million kilos of  potassium-depo, and those potassium which was incorporated into the plants goes back with the manure. The soil maintains 90 mg/kilo natural potassium-concentration, which was augmented, increased upto the poisoning-level:

200-500 mg/kilo, by throwing the potassium artificial fertilizer. Therefor all those were consumed the plants suffered  and are suffering a fatal poisoning. For example: the fourth generatin of the sheeps became unable to reproduce. Even the teenagers suffer osteoporosis. There is a complet, international, conscious, cheating. The slovaks recognised the poisoning effects of the potassium-overdosis, and declaired, it is necessary to reestablish the original 90mg/kilo potassium-concentration in the soil. but unfortunately they  exaggerate the dimension of the potassium-norm in the forrage. (Look: Jan Kralovich, J.: ”There is too much potassium” ; Új Szó (New Word) issue 17. 1988.09.18. Bratislava)

It was the same cheating by calculate the human beings potassium-need. The medical text-books, and the measurings (look: attached sheets 285/98. MTA -Hungarian Scientific Academy-  file by the  presidental secretary, and the memorial Eml. MTA)  teaches the next: to eat 0,8-1,6 mikrogramm potassium within 1 hour,  by food, by drink, for adults blood, caused poisoning  every healthy person, inspite of that  it was declaired  as an optimum : 3,5 mikrogramm  potassium, instead of  the 0,8 mikrogramm/24 hours  (Europe) standard. Based on it, they substitute the kitchen-salt (NaCl) with potassium-salt (KCl) disdaining even the Hungarian Standards!

 The Medical Weekly Rewiew protects the standard-cheating (with its anonym opinion, disdaining the estate measureing which was aproved at the Hungarian Scientific Academy by an expert-team); protects it with uncontrolable, or unbelieveble  ”measurments”, mentioning individual  measuring with sick patient. Is it for: the doctors would be able to continue their so called ”health-protecting” experiments with the surely poisoning potassium overdosis, and  using and sell in Hungary the foods or drinks, or ”medical-food-complementer” made with  potassium-salt?

 They  changed the correct and accepted datas (in the Europian Community) about the  potassium and natrium standards (According to the newsagency FEB: there are 0,8 mikrogramm potassium, 4,0 mikrogramm natrium are to be supplied, it is the optimum), and  caused 2500 percent disproportion when they supplied the potassium/natrium for the non-kosher-menus, otherwise they decomposed, changed to just the opposit the potassium/natrium proportion in the human beings cellular-agent (EC-liquor). It causes derangements, digestive troubles, makes the cells disable to selfdefense against those different  effects, what were regulars formerly for them. As the antirandom-measuring showed, the plants could not tolerate nor the temperature-increasing, nor the diminishing watersupplying, nor the nitrogen-increasing in the soil, nor the away from the specified sowing-time, if the soil had more dissolved potassium-salt (or potassiumnitrat) as it is natural. The plant were dried up, shriveled,  they died out. The experiment showed, that this sensitivness is growing by using  potassium-overdosis. As no one could resolve the measuring before, nobody could observe this allergization of the plants  caused by the potassium, so they declaired just the opposit of the reallity, the increasing of the stress-tolerancy.

The plant-cells, and the cells of the animals and the human beeings react on the same way to the potassium-overdosis: the cells  become unable to autodefense, and goes wrong their metabolism, because the potassium and the natrium in the cell-membran, and in the cell wall  are the basic elements of the cell functions, and the communication beetween and among the cells.  That is sure, that in Europe which is poisoned by potassium, all the increasing number of sickness of allergy has (or may have) a commun bringing case, to keep in secret  (even for the doctors) the results of the measuring, to keep in secret  the poisoning effect of the potassium. We have to mention: the natrium-hypodosis is organized together with the potassium-overdosis. It is multiplicating the chaos of the metabolism, and its bad effects. For example a so called ”foodexpert” in the ”Is it scapegoat, or a real harmful element?” article, suggests a potassium supplying under 1 gramm  daily (Népszabadság - 1998. 09.28.)! The same person  formerly  as a boss, said 3,5 mikrogramm  potassium daily, concealing: even 0,8 mikrogramm is poisoning if they eat it at once.

Everything contained  potassium-overdosis. Even into the pills of Béres-drops (It is a vital-vitamin pill.). They did it inspite of  dr, József Béres measured the potassium-overdosis is allergyc and carcinogen. The animals, and the human beings  organism could  compensate a 100 percent disproportion, but incapable to ballance a 2500 percent overdosis. It is insupportable if they change the 1:5  K:Na - proportion to 5:1 K:Na -proportion. It is a 2500 percent distorsion of the proportion.

 All not christians: Chinees, Turkies,  Arabians, Persians  - according to the international statistic dont use potassium as an artificial fertilizer, in India, in Pakistan use a small quantity. The Garden of the Óbuda Cooperative is selling an artificial fertilizer potassium-nitrat,  (KNO3) from Israel, but (according to the international  statistic) Israel doesnt use, not its smallest dosis, the same potassium-artificial-fertilizer since 1984. In Hungary the kitchen-salt has no the minimum potassium, when it is sold in a kosher-store, with kosher-certificade. (Look: for example the number: 21-14332 Kermi., OÉTI: 50060/4386/91., import from Israel) ”Health-care see-salt”. Naturelly it cant be different the potassium-need of the christians, and the non-christians (and their plants). So it is an apartheid using a different potassium-dosis, utilizing the innocent doctors, the cheatted agricultural  engineers, and the buyers as well.

The Medical Weekly Rewiew had recieved the mentioned measuring-controll, the memorial of the Hungarian Scientific Academy. If someone says, there is not any memorial, or they miss the  potassium-caused  poisoning-datas, or declaring declairing the datas are not realistic, it is a cheating!

The redaction has to publish our article, or we have to turn to the International Court telling, that the SPRINGER Editor in the same topic, with its two, antagonistic datas-publishing  is covering an organized, international, poisoning, potassium-overdosing, natrium-hypodosing, medical-method apartheid, with the aim: make the people sensitiv and have allergy, and making them unable to selfreproducing.

Anyway, we wrote this open letter  about this medical-method apartheid, which is a fact in christian countries, to the Holy Father II. John Paul.

  Cc.: To  Holy Father II. John Paul, Vatican, Roma

Attached: ”Eml.MTA” memorial translated.

Budapest, 1998. oct..26.

 András Tejfalussy                            dr. Pál  Marosi

engineer, president                               childrens specialist

(measuring topic)                                         (medicin)

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